Participation in the Social Boundaries of Work 2022

On May 19-20, the Social Boundaries of Work 2022 conference took place in Lublin. During the conference, we had the pleasure to present two papers. During the first day of the conference, Stefan Bieńkowski from our team presented a paper “Between safety and...

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Presentation at the ISA conference

Dr. Katarzyna Kopycka from the CNB-Young team, together with dr. Michał Sitek and Jędrzej Stasiowski were pleased to present the results of a study “An increase in the taste for education of vocational school graduates amid the Covid pandemic. Is there a social...

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Participation in the CSDI Workshop in Paris

On April 4th, prof. Anna Kiersztyn and dr. Katarzyna Kopycka from the CNB-Young team presented the paper “Measuring Employment Precarity in a Cross-National Framework: Achieving Comparability Using a Sequence-Based Approach” at the conference “2022 International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation Program” (CSDI Workshop) in Paris.

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Call for applications for a Ph.D. scholarship in the CNB-Young project

The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (Polish Academy of Sciences) has announced a call for applications for a Ph.D. scholarship in the project „The dynamics of youth employment precarity: drivers, trajectories, and outcomes in a cross-national perspective”. The project is funded by the Polish National Science Centre „OPUS 16” competition.

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Presentation at the conference “Methodological Inspirations 2021: Quantitative Research in Social Sciences – Challenges and Problems”

On September 23 in Jabłonna, three members of our team took part in the Conference “Methodological Inspirations 2021: Quantitative research in social sciences – Challenges and Problems”, organised by the Sociological Research Methods and Techniques Group of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Sociology Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Anna Kiersztyn, Katarzyna Kopycka and Stefan Bieńkowski gave a presentation entitled: “How to measure precarious employment in the cross-country comparisons”. The presentation was followed by an interesting discussion.

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Presentation at the SLLS 2021 International Conference

Three members of our team presented papers at the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies (SLLS) 2021 International Online Conference “Identity and Transformation: Studying Lives in Times of Social Change”. Katarzyna Kopycka gave a presentation on the topic...

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