Welcome to the website of the Cross-National Biographies – Young (CNB-Young) project.
Welcome to the official website of the Cross-National Biographies – Young (CNB-Young) project. This project analyses the phenomenon of precarious work among young adults in Poland, Germany, Great Britain, and the United States.
Our goals
Through quantitative analyses of individual economic trajectories, the CNB-Young project seeks to explain the ways in which the interplay of various characteristics of individuals and their households, together with institutional settings of various countries, affects workers’ chances of moving into secure employment, or determines the outcomes of early career instability.

Our goals
Through quantitative analyses of individual economic trajectories, the CNB-Young project seeks to explain the ways in which the interplay of various characteristics of individuals and their households, together with institutional settings of various countries, affects workers’ chances of moving into secure employment, or determines the outcomes of early career instability.

What we do
The project harmonizes data from long-standing panel surveys conducted in the four countries covered by the study. The harmonized CNB-Young dataset will for the first time offer a cross-national comparative view of precarious work, its determinants and consequences, from a life-course perspective.
Who we are
CNB-Young is conducted by a consortium of the University of Warsaw and the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. The research is funded by a Polish National Science Centre OPUS grant entitled “Dynamics of youth employment precarity: drivers, trajectories, and outcomes in a cross-national perspective”.

Who we are
CNB-Young is conducted by a consortium of the University of Warsaw and the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. The research is funded by a Polish National Science Centre OPUS grant entitled “Dynamics of youth employment precarity: drivers, trajectories, and outcomes in a cross-national perspective”.

CNB-Young data and scripts now available for download at the Polish Social Data Archive (PADS)
We are pleased to announce that the standardized CNB-Young dataset, describing the career trajectories of young adults in the USA, Germany, and the United Kingdom, along with accompanying English-language documentation, is now available to researchers. The materials...