New article in Survey Research Methods describing the Cross National Precarity Index CNPI
Just published: article by Katarzyna Kopycka, Anna Kiersztyn, Zbigniew Sawinski, Stefan Bienkowski and Viktoria Sovpenchuk “Use of Panel Surveys to Measure Employment Precarity in a Cross-National Framework” in the latest special issue of the journal Survey Research Methods.
CNB-Young proposal for panel data layout presented at a national methodological conference in Jablonna
The paper by Zbigniew Sawinski and Anna Kiersztyn “General scheme for harmonization of panel survey data” was the opening presentation of the conference “Methodological Inspirations 2023: Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences – Challenges and Problems,” organized by the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Presentation of new comparative findings on occupational trajectories at the 30th annual workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (TiY) in Edinburgh
The TiY workshop took place on September 6-8 in Edinburgh (Scotland). During this conference, Anna Kiersztyn and Katarzyna Kopycka presented a paper (prepared together with Remigiusz Żulicki) on “The effects of fixed-term employment on occupational status and wage trajectories in Germany, Poland, and the UK: what is the role of parental status?”.
CNB-Young team at European Survey Research Association ESRA 2023 conference in Milan
Zbigniew Sawinski, Katarzyna Kopycka and Anna Kiersztyn took part in the European Survey Research Aassociation (ESRA) 2023 conference, held July 17-21 at the University of Milan-Bicocca. They presented a total of 3 papers presenting the methodological achievements of the CNB-Young project.
New book on data scientists by Remigiusz Żulicki
We are happy to announce that Remigiusz Żulicki, member of our research team, has published a book, entitled “Data science: the sexiest occupation in 21st century Poland. Big data, artificial intelligence and PowerPoint”, based on his Ph.D. thesis.
Participation in a workshop on the use of panel data to study social inequalities and political behaviour at Nuffield College, University of Oxford
On June 5, Katarzyna Kopycka and Anna Kiersztyn were invited to the UK to participate as guest speakers in an interesting workshop on “The Use of Panel Data in Studying Social Inequality and Political Behavior”. During the workshop, Katarzyna Kopycka presented a paper “The Cross-National Precarity Index: a new longitudinal measure of precarious employment and its application to German and U.S. panel data”.
Presentation of the Cross National Precarity Index at the ISA RC28 Spring Meeting “Education and Social Inequality across the Life Course” in Paris
On April 24-26, Katarzyna Kopycka took part in the ISA RC28 Spring Meeting “Education and Social Inequality across the Life Course” and presented a paper entitled: “Analyzing employment precarity in a cross-national perspective. A proposition of a novel measure and examples of its application.”
An important and long-awaited project event in Warsaw: Reconstructing labor market trajectories from national panel surveys: CNB-Young Advisory Board Workshop
The project workshop was held on April 26-28, at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. During the workshop we received valuable comments from leading scholars who support the project team as members of the CNB-Young Advisory Board. The meeting participants included: Elizabeth Cooksey and Dean Lillard (Ohio State University, USA), Gundi Knies (Thünen-Institut for Rural Studies, Germany), Markus Grabka (German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin, Germany) and Kazimierz M. Słomczyński (IFiS PAN, Poland).
A new article by Katarzyna Kopytska was published
A new article by Katarzyna Kopycka “Escaping uncertainty through downward mobility? Occupational mobility upon transition to permanent employment in Germany and in Poland" was published. Using panel data, the author shows, among other things, that economic uncertainty...
Participation in the Joint Workshop of CNB-YOUNG, DYNANSE, HEALFAM, and SECCOPA Projects
On 1-2 December 2022, our team was invited to participate in the Joint Workshop of CNB-YOUNG, DYNANSE, HEALFAM, and SECCOPA Projects, organized at the University of Bamberg. The aim was to discuss country-specific approaches to the study of non-standard employment,...