
An important and long-awaited project event in Warsaw: Reconstructing labor market trajectories from national panel surveys: CNB-Young Advisory Board Workshop

The project workshop was held on April 26-28, at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. During the workshop we received valuable comments from leading scholars who support the project team as members of the CNB-Young Advisory Board. The meeting participants included: Elizabeth Cooksey and Dean Lillard (Ohio State University, USA), Gundi Knies (Thünen-Institut for Rural Studies, Germany), Markus Grabka (German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin, Germany) and Kazimierz M. Słomczyński (IFiS PAN, Poland).

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A new article by Katarzyna Kopytska was published

A new article by Katarzyna Kopycka “Escaping uncertainty through downward mobility? Occupational mobility upon transition to permanent employment in Germany and in Poland" was published. Using panel data, the author shows, among other things, that economic uncertainty...

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Participation in a seminar

On Tuesday, November 15, Katarzyna Kopycka and Anna Kiersztyn participated, as invited speakers, in a seminar organized by the Socio-Economic Research Unit (BaSE) at the University of Warsaw Centre of Migration Research. During the seminar, we discussed the...

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Participation in the SLLS Annual Conference

On Monday, October 24, PI of the CNB Young project Anna Kiersztyn presented a paper, ”Employment trajectories and subjective well-being in Germany, Poland and the U.S. - does the institutional context matter?” at the 2022 SLLS Annual Conference “Growing Up and Growing...

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Participation in the 18th Sociological Congress

At the 18th Sociological Congress organized by the Polish Sociological Association on 14-17 September 2022 in Warsaw, the Cross-National Biographies Young team presented a total of five papers. Two papers presented the project's development: The first “Wskaźniki...

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