Developing new methodological approaches to the study of employment precarity and harmonization of work career data from national panel surveys, each of which has its own specificity, requires constant collaboration with researchers representing the survey projects included in CNB-Young. To this end, the project Advisory Board brings together renowned scholars – sociologists and economists, experts in panel data analysis and data harmonization from USA, the UK, Germany, and Poland (read more about the Advisory Board here).
The first Advisory Board meeting, in June 2021, was held online due to the pandemic. Later, we had many opportunities to exchange e-mails, meet and talk with individual members of the Board during conferences and direct visits. The first in-person Advisory Board workshop was organized in the spring of 2023, when the CNB-Young project had already entered its mature phase. The workshop took place at the Staszic Palace on April 26-28. It allowed us to discuss proposals that, in our view, may constitute a valid contribution of the CNB-Young project in two areas: one related to the quantitative study of employment precarity from a longitudinal perspective (the Cross National Precarity Index CNPI) and the other related to the harmonization of panel data from different countries. Apart from providing valuable feedback on our proposals and suggestions for their further improvement, the discussion highlighted the still insufficient cooperation between data providers and users. We thank our guests for an enjoyable and very productive time!
The presentation explaining the idea of the Cross National Precarity Index prepared for the workshop is available here. The Stata code for calculation of the CNPI can be downloaded by clicking here. Description of CNB-Young data layout is available here.
[Photo by Stefan Bieńkowski]