The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences has announced a call for applications for two Ph.D. scholarships (each lasting 25 months) in the project „The dynamics of youth employment precarity: drivers, trajectories, and outcomes in a cross-national perspective (CNB-Young)”. The candidates ars expected to actively participate in all the project’s research activities, in collaboration with the principal investigators and other project team members. Specifically, they will be involved in the following tasks:
• Literature review and analysis of survey documentation
• Harmonization of selected variables from the four panel projects included in CNB-Young
• Management of data files and their documentation;
• Analyzing the harmonized data, co-authoring reports and publications
• Presenting the project results at international conferences;
• Participation in project team meetings, workshops, seminars and other events organized within the project.
Detailed information is available here.