Participation in a workshop on the use of panel data to study social inequalities and political behaviour at Nuffield College, University of Oxford

6 June 2023 | News

On Monday, June 5, we was another opportunity to present our Cross National Precarity Index CNPI, this time at an interdisciplinary workshop organized at the University of Oxford by David Rueda from Nuffield College and Marcin Ślarzyński from the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Participants representing various sub-disciplines in comparative political economy, political and economic sociology, discussed the ways in which socio-economic inequalities, including labour market inequalities, affect political attitudes and behaviours. The paper presented by Katarzyna Kopycka highlighted the potential of using panel data for comparative analyses of employment precarity, including analyses of policy and political preferences as well as voting, where CNPI can be used as an important explanatory variable. The presentation was followed by a lively discussion in which Bogdan Popescu (John Cabot University and DPIR, University of Oxford) and other workshop participants offered their comments and suggestions. The full workshop program is available here.