First results of POLPAN 2018 regarding the labour market trajectories of Polish graduates are now published and available online

17 September 2020 | News

New article by Anna Kiersztyn, “Niepewność zatrudnienia młodych dorosłych: analiza sekwencji karier zawodowych” (Job insecurity among young adults: an analysis of employment career sequences) is now online and available in open access!

It is a first assessment of employment insecurity among young adults in Poland, who participated in the 2018 wave of the Polish Panel Survey POLPAN. The article presents an analysis of the employment transitions experienced by the respondents, a description of early career sequences (covering a period of three or five years following graduation), and an assessment of the main socio-economic correlates of persistent youth employment insecurity on the Polish labour market.

The full text of the article (in Polish) is available here.