Publications of team members related to the CNB-Young project
- Kopycka, K., Kiersztyn, A., Sawiński, Z., Bieńkowski, S., & Sovpenchuk, V. (2023). Use of Panel Surveys to Measure Employment Precarity in a Cross-National Framework: An Integrated Approach to Harmonize Research Concepts and Longitudinal Data. Survey Research Methods, 17(3), 353–393.
- Katarzyna Kopycka (2023). Escaping uncertainty through downward mobility? Occupational mobility upon transition to permanent employment in Germany and in Poland, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility Vol. 83.
- Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, Kazimierz M Slomczynski, Zbigniew Sawiński, Anna Kiersztyn, Krystyna Janicka, Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek, Ilona Wysmułek, Michał Kotnarowski (2021). The Polish Panel Survey, POLPAN. European Sociological Review, 2021,
- Olga Zelinska, Alexi Gugushvili, Grzegorz Bulczak, Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, Zbigniew Sawiński, Kazimierz M. Słomczyński. (2021). The Polish Panel Survey (POLPAN) dataset: Capturing the impact of socio-economic change on population health and well-being in Poland, 1988–2018. Data in Brief 35, 106936,
- Anna Kiersztyn (2021). Who moves from fixed-term to open-ended contracts? Youth employment transitions in a segmented labour market. Acta Sociologica 64(2), 198-214,
- Anna Kiersztyn (2020). Niepewność zatrudnienia młodych dorosłych: analiza sekwencji karier zawodowych [Job insecurity among young adults: an analysis of employment career sequences]. Studia BAS, 2(62), 73-90, download
- Anna Kiersztyn (2019). The Cross National Biographies Young (CNB Young) Project: Harmonizing Panel Data for the Study of Youth Employment Precarity (Research note). Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data Hamonization in the Social Sciences (ed. by Irina Tomescu-Dubrow and Joshua K. Dubrow), 5(2), 41-42, download
- Katarzyna Kopycka (2017). The Effects of Social Origin and Formal Education on First Job in the Process of Transformation to Market Capitalism: A Cohort Analysis of Data from the Polish Panel Survey. Polish Sociological Review 200(4), 465-483, download
- Zbigniew Sawiński (2017). Inconsistent Responses: Hard Adjustment and Soft Adjustment as Solutions for Inter Wave Harmonization of Panel Surveys. Harmonization: Newsletter on Survey Data Hamonization in the Social Sciences (ed. by Irina Tomescu-Dubrow and Joshua Kjerulf Dubrow), 2(2), 13-16, download
- Anna Kiersztyn (2017). Niepewne uczestnictwo: młodzi u progu kariery [Uncertain Participation: Youth atthe Onset of Their Careers]. In Rozwarstwienie społeczne: zasoby, szanse i bariery. Polskie badanie Panelowe POLPAN 1998–2013 [Social Stratification: Resources, Opportunities, and Barriers. Polish Panel Survey POLPAN 1988–2013], edited by Anna Kiersztyn, Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek, Kazimierz M. Słomczyński, Warsaw: IFiS Publishers, pp. 107-136, download
- Zbigniew Sawiński (2016). Occupational Careers and Job Interruptions: On Methodological Issues of Constructing Long Trajectories. International Journal of Sociology 46, 244–263,
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