Research Topics:
- critical analysis of public policy
- quantification in public policy
- algorithms and information technologies in public policy
- sociology and anthropology of bureaucracy
Marianna Zieleńska is an assistant professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Warsaw. Her research interests include critical analysis of public policy and sociology/anthropology of bureaucracy. Currently, she focuses on quantitative measures implemented in anti-poverty policy and the use of IT tools in social policy. She coordinates (primary investigator) the research project “The making of European Union’s anti-poverty policy through quantitative measures – the case of the at-risk of poverty or social exclusion composite indicator” financed by the National Science Centre. She is also a national correspondent of Eurofound, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.
Selected publications:
- Sztandar-Sztanderska K., Zieleńska M. (forthcoming) What Makes an Ideal Unemployed Person? Values and Norms Encapsulated in a Computerized Profiling Tool. Social Work and Society. International Online Journal.
- Sztandar-Sztanderska K., Zieleńska M. 2018. Changing social citizenship through information technology, Social Work and Society. International Online Journal,16(2).
- Zieleńska M. 2018. The Game of Compliance: Polish Anti-poverty Policy and Europe 2020, in: M. Jessoula, I. Madama (eds.) Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion in the EU. A Chance in Europe 2020, New York and London, Routledge.
- Kozek W., Kubisa J., Zieleńska M. 2017. Utrzymać się na powierzchni. O walce z biedą w pięciu krajach Europy w perspektywie indywidualnego sprawstwa [Staying afloat. The fight against poverty in five European countries from the perspective of individual agency], Warszawa, Scholar.
- Zieleńska M. 2017. Odtwarzanie porządku hierarchicznego jako efekt uboczny nowego współzarządzania. Przypadek realizacji Strategii Europa 2020 w obszarze zatrudnienia [Reproduction of Hierarchical Regime as a By-product of New Public Governance. The Case of Realization of Europe 2020 Strategy], in: J. Raciborski (ed.) Państwo w praktyce. Style działania [The state in practice. Styles of action], Kraków, Nomos.
- Angelin A., Bennett H., Zieleńska M. (2016) Have Governments Designed Provisions for Lone-mothers, Working poor and Long-term unemployed to be multi-dimensional and integrated? in: B.
- Hvinden, R. Halvorsen (eds.) Combating Poverty in Europe: Active Inclusion in a Multi-level and Multi-actor Context, Cheltenham, Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Zieleńska M. 2015. Reprodukcja i zmiana w administracji publicznej: na przykładzie wdrażania otwartej metody koordynacji. [Reproduction and Change in the Administrative System: The Case of Implementation of the OMC by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy], Warszawa, Scholar.
- Otto, H.U. Zieleńska M., et. al. (eds.) 2015. Facing Trajectories from School to Work. Towards a Capability-Friendly Youth Policy in Europe, Cham, Heidelberg, New York, London, Springer.
- Jessoula M., Kubisa J., Madama I., Zieleńska M. 2014. Understanding Convergence and Divergence: Old and New Cleavages in the Politics of Minimum Income Schemes in Italy and Poland. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 07/2014, 30(2):128–146.