Research topics:
- social and educational inequality
- life-course research
- social mobility
- occupational careers
Katarzyna Kopycka is associate professor at the Faculty of Sociology at the University of Warsaw. She studied sociology at the University of Lodz and got her PhD in Sociology at the University of Halle-Wittenberg. Her PhD thesis focused employment of teachers in Polish public schools. Her research interests include social inequality in a life course perspective, educational inequality, social mobility and occupational careers.
Selected publications:
- Kopycka, Katarzyna. 2021. “Higher Education Expansion, System Transformation, and Social Inequality. Social Origin Effects on Tertiary Education Attainment in Poland for Birth Cohorts 1960 to 1988.” Higher Education 81(3):643–64. doi: 10.1007/s10734-020-00562-x.
- Kopycka, Katarzyna, Petelewicz, Marta. 2019. Zróżnicowanie subiektywnego dobrostanu w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Przegląd Socjologiczny 68(2): 33-54
- Kopycka, Katarzyna. 2017. The Effects of Social Origin and Formal Education on First Job in the Process of Transformation to Market Capitalism: A Cohort Analysis of Data from the Polish Panel Survey. Polish Sociological Review 200: 465-484
- Kopycka, Katarzyna. 2014. Determinants of early retirement transitions of teachers in Poland. Does regional heterogeneity play a role? Studia Humanistyczne AGH [Contributions to Humanities] 13(4): 97-124.
- Kopycka, Katarzyna, Sackmann, Reinhold. 2010. Ambivalente Generationsverhältnisse hinter der „génération précaire”. Am Beispiel eines deutsch-polnischen Vergleichs. In Busch, Michael, Jeskow, Jan, Stutz, Rüdiger (Hrsg.): Zwischen Prekarisierung und Protest. Die Lebenslagen und Selbstbilder von Jugendlichen in Ost und West. Bielefeld: Transcript. S. 131-154.