Principal Investigator – leader of the project team at the University of Warsaw
Research topics:
- labour market inequality
- precarious work
- socioeconomic consequences of non-standard employment
- youth labour market trajectories
Anna Kiersztyn is a professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Warsaw, and a long-standing member of the POLPAN survey team at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. She is the author of several research articles analysing labour market inequality, job instability and employment precarity, as well as overeducation. Her current research is focused on the social consequences of labour market change, especially with regard to the increase in non-standard employment. She has used longitudinal data to study the dynamics of underemployment and employment precarity, in particular among young workers.
Selected publications:
- Anna Kiersztyn. 2021. Who moves from fixed-term to open-ended contracts? Early careers on a segmented labour market. Acta Sociologica 64(2): 198-214.
- Anna Kiersztyn. 2020. Niepewność zatrudnienia młodych dorosłych: analiza sekwencji karier zawodowych. Studia BAS, 2(62): 73-90.
- Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, Irina, Joshua Kjerulf Dubrow, Anna Kiersztyn, Katarzyna Andrejuk, Marta Kołczyńska, Kazimierz M. Slomczynski. 2019. The Subjective Experience of Joblessness in Poland. Springer.
- Kiersztyn, Anna. 2018. Labour market precarity and political alienation. Przegląd Socjologiczny / Sociological Review 67(3): 35-61.
- Kiersztyn, Anna, Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek, Kazimierz M. Slomczynski (red.). 2017. Rozwarstwienie społeczne: zasoby, szanse i bariery. Polskie badanie Panelowe POLPAN 1998–2013”, Warsaw: IFiS Publishers.
- Kiersztyn, Anna. 2017. Non-standard employment and subjective insecurity. How can we capture job precarity using survey data? Pp. 91-122 in Precarious Work, Research in the Sociology of Work Series, edited by Arne Kalleberg and Steven Vallas, Emerald Publishing.
- Kiersztyn, Anna. 2017. Voice and Insecurity. Political Participation Among Members of the Precariat. Chapter 8 in: Civil Society Revisited: Lessons from Poland, edited by Kerstin Jacobsson and Elżbieta Korolczuk, Berghahn books.
- Kiersztyn, Anna. 2017. Pomiar niepewności czy niepewność pomiaru. O kłopotach z pojęciem prekariatu. Pp. 219-248 in: Problemy społeczne. Księga jubileuszowa dla Kazimierza W. Frieskego, edited by Paweł Poławski, Dariusz Zalewski, Warsaw: Oficyna Naukowa.
- Kiersztyn, Anna. 2016. Fixed-Term Employment and Occupational Position in Poland: The Heterogeneity of Temporary Jobs, European Sociological Review 32(6): 881-894, DOI: 10.1093/esr/jcw044.
- Kiersztyn, Anna. 2016. Which Clouds have Silver Linings: Fixed-term Employment, Psychological Distress, and Occupational Position in Poland, International Journal of Sociology 46(4): 264-287, DOI: 10.1080/00207659.2016.1246295.
- Kiersztyn, Anna. 2015. Solidarity Lost? Low Pay Persistence During the Post-Communist Transition in Poland, Polish Sociological Review 4(192), 493-509.
- Kiersztyn, Anna, 2013, „Stuck in a mismatch? The Persistence of Overeducation During Twenty Years of the Post-Communist Transition in Poland”, Economics of Education Review 32(1), 78-91, DOI: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2012.09.009