We are pleased to announce that the standardized CNB-Young dataset, describing the career trajectories of young adults in the USA, Germany, and the United Kingdom, along with accompanying English-language documentation, is now available to researchers. The materials have been deposited in the Polish Social Data Archive (PADS; https://pads.org.pl/). In the coming days, analogous data for individuals up to 35 years of age from Poland will also be made available.
The data originate from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), the UK Household Longitudinal Study ‘Understanding Society’ (UKHLS), and the Polish Panel Survey (POLPAN). For the USA, the NLSY79 Young Adult Survey originally included in the project has been replaced by data from the NLSY97 cohort, due to the larger sample of young adults and the broader scope of employment history information collected in NLSY97.
The CNB-Young data format facilitates cross-country comparisons of respondents’ occupational biographies, collected using different methodologies. It includes variables describing respondents’ employment activity month by month for each year, standardized variable names and value codes, methodological control variables (flags), and basic socio-demographic characteristics of respondents and their households.
A more detailed description of the CNB-Young format is provided in the working paper: “Harmonization of data from life course panel surveys. Implementation in the CNB-Young project” available here.
The NLSY97 dataset is available at this link: https://doi.org/10.60894/XSBJHU. For the SOEP and UKHLS datasets, users must obtain access to the original data independently, in accordance with the requirements of the respective data providers. However, PADS provides scripts for generating CNB-Young variables:
– For SOEP data: https://doi.org/10.60894/DKB4GJ
– For UKHLS data: https://doi.org/10.60894/4IJ740
The Polish Data Archive is affiliated with the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA; https://www.cessda.eu/).